The company "Kraspharma" was there at the beginning of creation of the modern domestic pharmaceutical industry. For more than half a century of productive work, the Company has proved its viability/ The consistently high level of product quality, the ability to adapt to new economic pharmacy, continuous improvement through the implementation of standards for good drug manufacturing practices prove it.
The location of the future plant was not chosen by chance. The main facilities of the Soviet pharmaceutical industry of that time were located in the European part of the USSR, which made them attackable during military operations. The rapid attack of German forces during World War II required taking immediate measures to evacuate the capacities of pharmaceutical companies located in the territories they left behind. In 1948, after the end of hostilities, it was decided to build a large-capacity strategic enterprise of the medical industry to produce vital drugs in the region of Siberia and the Far East.
It was also planned that the newly created enterprise would become the main source of liquidation of infectious diseases among the population, turning into epidemics resulting from social upheaval during and in the first years after the Second World War.
Key dates and events
1959 | 1990-е | 2005 – 2007 |
1961 | 1993 | 2008 |
1965 | 1999 | 2010 |
1966 - 1969 | 2000 | 2011 |
1983 | 2004 | 2011 - present |
1959 – the year of the foundation of “Kraspharma”
The history of Kraspharma began in 1959, when at the new plant production was divided into two technical streams: one of them is for penicillin production, the second one is for streptomycin production.
In the same year, the state commission put into operation the main production building of the first phase of the plant with the workshops of fermentation and chemical cleaning of penicillin and the first 800 grams of “Krasnoyarsk Penicillin” rolled off the conveyor.
The company is developing rapidly. In 1961 the state commission put into operation the main building for the production of streptomycin with the workshops of fermentation and chemical cleaning of preparations.
Already in 6 years after its foundation, the company reached its designed capacity and began exporting products to many countries of the world.
During 2 years to meet the growing needs of health care the company established and put into operation the third stage for the production of dextran preparations and injection solutions, as well as the fourth stage for the production of infusion solutions.
In 1983 with the approval of the USSR government for a wide range of products the plant “Kraspharma” received the status of a combine and became known as “Krasnoyarsk Medical Preparatory Combine”.
In the 90s of the last century, the administration of the plant made a strong emphasis on the introduction of the most advanced scientific achievements of that time, continued to improve technological processes and search for new types of materials and raw materials. Highly productive strains and new fermentation media were introduced in the production process, mechanization and automation of the production processes were actively used.
In 1993 the enterprise was incorporated and since June 3 it was transformed into the Open Joint Stock Company (PJSC) "Kraspharma". Since this moment, the company moves to a new stage of its development. Portfolio and the volume of products are enlarged.
Despite the global economic crisis, default in Russia and the general decline in economic development, PJSC "Kraspharma" has not lost its position as one of the leaders among manufacturers of hospital drugs and produces 30 items of extremely popular products:
- 6 names of antibiotics,
- 24 names of blood substitutes and infusion solutions.
Since 2000 PJSC "Kraspharma" is part of the domestic pharmaceutical holding PJSC "Valena Pharmaceutics" (previously - PJSC "Domestic Medicines").
PJSC "Kraspharma" expands the portfolio of hospital drugs due to parenteral antibiotics that are highly demand by health care.
Since 2004 the Company has produced 34 drug names:
- 17 names of antibacterial drugs,
- 17 names of blood substitutes and infusion solutions.
PJSC "Krasfarma" improves the material and technical base, updates production by introducing advanced technological processes and starts the manufacture of new products. As a result the quality of manufactured products improved and it allowed to expand sales markets. During this period PJSC "Kraspharma" reached its best results over the entire period of its existence bringing the volume of the manufactured products in monetary terms up to 1,852.0 million rubles.
In 2007 PJSC "Kraspharma" produces:
- 16 antibiotic names,
- 22 names of blood substitutes and injection solutions,
- gramicidin.
In 2008 due to the outbreak of the next global financial crisis, the “Valenta Pharmaceutics” company was forced to sell a controlling stake in PJSC “Kraspharma”.
The new administration of PJSC “Kraspharma” developed a program for preserving a strategically significant enterprise in the industry introducing anti-crisis measures that would allow creating a new high-tech profitable pharmaceutical production in Krasnoyarsk and improving the competitiveness of its products in a year and a half.
PJSC "Krasfarma" comes out of the crisis gradually restoring production volumes. The company made a large payment under a settlement agreement with “Sberbank RF” and thus reduced its debt to Sberbank by 24%.
The debt to suppliers of active pharmaceutical ingredients and packaging, which appeared in 2007-2008 in the amount of about $ 2 million, was also paid off. Wage and tax debts were repaid.
The result of the painstaking work on the renovation of the enterprise was a completely new line in the production of sterile injectable preparations, the assembling and commissioning of which were completed in 2011. In fact, the company has implemented the most advanced technologies for the production of sterile dosage forms that are not inferior to the leading global manufacturers.
Following the development strategy PJSC "Kraspharma" continues the phased modernization of production facilities. Classrooms are being renovated, expanded and improved, engineering and control systems are being modified, including ventilation, air conditioning and monitoring systems currently being implemented by digital control systems. The adaptation of air entering the clean rooms is carried out with high-efficiency HEPA filters. The systems for cleaning and sterilization of equipment, clean steam systems, the system for preparing purified water and water for injection were changed.
PJSC "Krasfarma" maintains partnerships with the largest manufacturers of substances from Asia and Europe. The suppliers of active pharmaceutical ingredients and primary packaging materials are regularly audited to ensure the quality and effectiveness of the products.
Monitoring of the safety of drugs produced by the Company is carried out by a functioning pharmacovigilance system.